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Total of Records:  113471 records

1 chemical additives to flooring plaster
1 chemical additives to fungicides
1 chemical additives to industrial greases
1 chemical additives to insecticides
1 chemical additives to motor fuel
1 chemical additives to petroleum products
1 chemical additives to plaster
1 chemical additives to polymers
1 chemical additives to prevent sedimentation
1 chemical additives to printing ink
1 chemical additives to soil
1 chemical admixtures for concrete
1 chemical adsorbents for removing impurities from fuel
1 chemical agents for acid removal in industrial manufacturing applications
1 chemical agents for carbon dioxide sequestration
1 chemical agents for coating textiles, furs, leather, non-woven and woven fabrics
1 chemical agents for hardening wood
1 chemical agents for impregnating cut Christmas trees to preserve freshness
1 chemical agents for impregnating cut flowers to preserve freshness
1 chemical agents for impregnating textiles, furs, leather, non-woven and woven fabrics
1 chemical agents for manufacturing dyestuffs
1 chemical agents for quenching steel
1 chemical agents for removing acid in industrial manufacturing applications
1 chemical agents for the flame-retardant coating of textiles
1 chemical agents for the surface treatment of metals
1 chemical agents for the treatment of bilge water
1 chemical agents for use in the manufacture of dyestuffs
1 chemical agents for use in water purification
1 chemical agents used in treating marine bilge water
1 chemical and organic compositions for use in the manufacture of food and beverages
1 chemical and organic compositions for use in the manufacture of food and drinks
1 chemical and organic compounds for use in the manufacture of food and beverages
1 chemical and organic compounds for use in the manufacture of food and drinks
1 chemical anti-sprouting agents
1 chemical aquarium water conditioners
1 chemical chimney cleaners
1 chemical coatings containing quartz for optical glass
1 chemical coatings containing quartz for optical plastics
1 chemical coatings containing quartz for use in eyeglass lenses
1 chemical coatings for ophthalmic lenses
1 chemical coatings for use in the manufacture of printed circuit boards
1 chemical coatings used in the manufacture of plastic lenses
1 chemical coatings used in the manufacture of printed circuit boards
1 chemical compositions for developing and printing photographs
1 chemical compositions for developing photographs
1 chemical compositions for metal plating
1 chemical compositions for preserving foodstuffs
1 chemical compositions for printing photographs
1 chemical compositions for repairing tires
1 chemical compositions for repairing tyres