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Total of Records:  113471 records

1 chemicals for treating water
1 chemicals for use as flame retardants for textiles
1 chemicals for use as flocculants
1 chemicals for use in agriculture
1 chemicals for use in agriculture, except fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and parasiticides
1 chemicals for use in agriculture, horticulture and forestry
1 chemicals for use in agriculture, horticulture and forestry, except fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and parasiticides
1 chemicals for use in aquaculture
1 chemicals for use in aquaria
1 chemicals for use in aquariums
1 chemicals for use in biotechnological manufacturing processes
1 chemicals for use in biotechnological product development
1 chemicals for use in chromatography
1 chemicals for use in fermenting
1 chemicals for use in forestry
1 chemicals for use in forestry, except fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and parasiticides
1 chemicals for use in herbicides
1 chemicals for use in horticulture
1 chemicals for use in industry
1 chemicals for use in industry and science
1 chemicals for use in industry, science and photography
1 chemicals for use in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry
1 chemicals for use in lithography
1 chemicals for use in making polyurethanes
1 chemicals for use in metal plating
1 chemicals for use in oil drilling
1 chemicals for use in photography
1 chemicals for use in science
1 chemicals for use in the decontamination of polluted sites
1 chemicals for use in the manufacture of adhesives
1 chemicals for use in the manufacture of aggressor repellents
1 chemicals for use in the manufacture of confectionery
1 chemicals for use in the manufacture of fabric or textiles
1 chemicals for use in the manufacture of lithium ion batteries
1 chemicals for use in the manufacture of paints
1 chemicals for use in the manufacture of paper
1 chemicals for use in the manufacture of polyurethanes
1 chemicals for use in the manufacture of solar cells
1 chemicals for use in the oil industry
1 chemicals for use in the oil refining industry
1 chemicals for use in the processing of natural rubber
1 chemicals for use in the processing of plastics
1 chemicals for use in the production of synthetic rubber
1 chemicals for use in the purification of proteins for in vitro use
1 chemicals for use in the purification of water
1 chemicals for use in the treatment of oils
1 chemicals for use in the treatment of sewage
1 chemicals for use in the treatment of waste water
1 chemicals for use in the treatment of wastewater
1 chemicals for use in the treatment of water